
class i3assist.Transform(transform_line)[source]

A single particle transform in new I3.

For more information refer to the subvolume tutorial document for I3.

Parameters:transformLine (str) – A string with the transform data.


add_rotation(rotation[, inplace]) Adds a rotation in addition to particles current orientation.
add_shift([shift_x, shift_y, shift_z, inplace]) Adjusts the particles defined center by an arbitrary vector.
copy() Returns a copy of the transform.
scale(scale_factor[, inplace]) Scale the transform to handle binning.
to_pos() Return the equivalent old I3 position.


class_number int Class number that the particle belongs to.
coordinates list of int Particles integer coordinates in tomogram.
rotation i3assist.RotationMatrix Particles rotation matrix to orient.
score float Correlation score of particle alignment to reference.
shifts list of float Particle displacements from coordinates.
subset str Subset identifier for particle.